Understanding Aerospace Fastener Descriptions and Markings

Reprint from Fastener World Magazine, Vol. 153

A great deal of manufactured fasteners are “standards”. This means that they conform to a set of instructions that have been established by industry experts to provide uniform and consistent product. Although one finds “standards” in all industry segments, the aerospace fastener segment seems to have a higher percentage than most others.

In fact, over 40% of the aerospace fastener consumption can be classified as “standards”. Although the word standard lends itself to suggesting simplicity, in reality many parts considered “aerospace standards” are, in reality, very sophisticated, highly engineered parts. Unfortunately, because of the vast assortment of standards and the complexity level that some are achieving, navigating and understanding aerospace standards can sometimes be a challenge. This article is intended to demystify and explain some of the nuances of aerospace standard part description and marking practices.

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